<span style="font-size:14px;">    getGlobalNamespace (L)
.beginNamespace ("test")
.addConstructor <void (*) (void)> ()
.addStaticData ("staticData"?? &A::staticData)
.addStaticProperty ("staticProperty"?? &A::getStaticData)
.addStaticFunction ("getStaticProperty"?? &A::getStaticProperty) //read-only
.addStaticCFunction ("staticCFunc"?? &A::staticCFunc)
.addData ("data"?? &A::dataMember)
.addProperty ("prop"?? &A::getProperty?? &A::setProperty)
.addFunction ("func1"?? &A::func1)
.addFunction ("virtualFunc"?? &A::virtualFunc)
.addCFunction ("cfunc"?? &A::cfunc)
.endClass ()
.deriveClass<B?? A>("B")
.addConstructor <void (*) (void)> ()
.addData ("data"?? &B::dataMember2)
.addFunction ("func1"?? &B::func1)
.addFunction ("func2"?? &B::func2)
.endClass ()
.endNamespace ();</span>
<span style="font-size:14px;">  local AClassObj = test.A ()  --create class A instance
print("before:"??test.A.staticData) -- access class A static member
test.A.staticData = 8  -- modify class A static member
print("before:"?? test.A.getStaticProperty())
--test.A.staticProperty = 1.2 --error:can not modify
AClassObj.data = "sting"
AClassObj.prop = 'a'
BClassObj = test.B()
BClassObj:virtualFunc()     </span>
<span style="font-size:14px;">  A constructor
before: 3
after:  8
before: 0.5
dataMember:     sting
property:       a
func1 In Class A
virtualFunc In Class A
cfunc In Class A
A constructor
B constructor
func1 In Class B
func2 In Class B
virtualFunc In Class B</span>
???????????????????????????????麯?????????????????????????LuaBridge?У??????const???????????????м????????????????????????const object????????const object???????Lua?????????Lua??????????????????????const???????????const???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????If a class has a base class that is **not** registeredwith Lua?? there is no need to declare it as a subclass.
<span style="font-size:14px;">      struct A {
A ();
struct B {
explicit B (char const* s?? int nChars);
getGlobalNamespace (L)
.beginNamespace ("test")
.beginClass <A> ("A")
.addConstructor <void (*) (void)> ()
.endClass ()
.beginClass <B> ("B")
.addConstructor <void (*) (char const*?? int)> ()
.endClass ();
.endNamespace ()</span>
????<span style="font-size:14px;">      a = test.A ()           -- Create a new A.
????b = test.B ("hello"?? 5) -- Create a new B.
????b = test.B ()           -- Error: expected string in argument 1</span>
????<span style="font-size:14px;">      void useStateAndArgs (int i?? std::string s?? lua_State* L);
????getGlobalNamespace (L).addFunction ("useStateAndArgs"?? &useStateAndArgs);  </span>
????<span style="font-size:14px;">  useStateAndArgs(42??"hello")</span>
?????????У???貧????????????????ɡ???? lua_State*?????????????????????????????δ??????
????Class Object Types
????<span style="font-size:14px;">   `T*` or `T&`:      Passed by reference?? with _C++ lifetime_.
????`T const*` or `T const&`:    Passed by const reference?? with _C++ lifetime_.
????`T` or `T const`:        Passed by value (a copy)?? with _Lua lifetime_.</span>
????C++ Lifetime
????????C++ lifetime??????????????????C++????????Lua GC?????????Щ??????Lua???lua_State*??????????????????????????????????????δ?????????????磬??????·?????Lua????
????C++ lifetime?????
<span style="font-size:14px;">      A a;
push (L?? &a);             // pointer to 'a'?? C++ lifetime
lua_setglobal (L?? "a");
push (L?? (A const*)&a);   // pointer to 'a const'?? C++ lifetime
lua_setglobal (L?? "ac");
push <A const*> (L?? &a);  // equivalent to push (L?? (A const*)&a)
lua_setglobal (L?? "ac2");
push (L?? new A);          // compiles?? but will leak memory
lua_setglobal (L?? "ap");
????Lua Lifetime
??????C++?????????Lua??????????????????Lua lifetime???????????????????Lua????userdata??????棬?????Lua????????????????????????GC???????userdata???????????????????
??????????????????á???C++?????lua lifetime???????????????????????GC????????????????δ?????????磬??????·?????Lua???????Lua lifetime????£?
????<span style="font-size:14px;">      B b;
????push (L?? b);                    // Copy of b passed?? Lua lifetime.
????lua_setglobal (L?? "b");</span>
????????Lua?е????????????????????????????????????Lua lifetime????????????????????GC?????????????????????????????????????????????C++??????????C++???????????????????
????Pointers?? References?? and Pass by Value
????<span style="font-size:14px;">  void func0 (A a);
????void func1 (A* a);
????void func2 (A const* a);
????void func3 (A& a);
????void func4 (A const& a);</span>
????<span style="font-size:14px;">  func0 (a)   -- Passes a copy of a?? using A's copy constructor.
????func1 (a)   -- Passes a pointer to a.
????func2 (a)   -- Passes a pointer to a const a.
????func3 (a)   -- Passes a reference to a.
????func4 (a)   -- Passes a reference to a const a. </span>
????<span style="font-size:14px;">          void func5 (B b);
????void func6 (B* b); </span>
????<span style="font-size:14px;">  func5 (b)   - Passes a copy of b?? using B's copy constructor.
????func6 (b)   - Passes a pointer to b.
????func6 (a)   - Error: Pointer to B expected.
????func1 (b)   - Okay?? b is a subclass of a.  </span>