char * Condition_String1(int condition) {
switch(condition) {
case 0: return "EQ";
case 1: return "NE";
case 2: return "CS";
case 3: return "CC";
case 4: return "MI";
case 5: return "PL";
case 6: return "VS";
case 7: return "VC";
case 8: return "HI";
case 9: return "LS";
case 10: return "GE";
case 11: return "LT";
case 12: return "GT";
case 13: return "LE";
case 14: return "";
default: return 0;
char * Condition_String2(int condition) {
if ((unsigned) condition >= 15) return 0;
3 * condition;
????????????????240 bytes????????????????72 bytes??
????int fact1_func (int n)
????int i?? fact = 1;
????for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
????fact *= i;
????return (fact);
????int fact2_func(int n)
????int i?? fact = 1;
????for (i = n; i != 0; i--)
????fact *= i;
????return (fact);
????for( i=0;  i<10;  i++){ ... }
????for( i=10; i--; ) { ... }
????for(i=10; i; i--){}
????for(i=10; i!=0; i--){}
????//Original Code :
????for(i=0; i<100; i++){
????for(i=0; i<100; i++){
????//It would be better to do:
????for(i=0; i<100; i++){
for(i=0 ; i<100 ; i++)
void func(int w??d)
lots of stuff.
for(i=0 ; i<100 ; i++)
void func(int w??d)
lots of stuff.
????for(i=0; i<3; i++){
????//is less efficient than
????for(i=0;i< limit;i++) { ... }
????????????Example 1?????????????????д??????????????Ч???block-sie????????8??????????????????????????????“loop-contents”???????????????к???Ч??????????????У?????????8?ε????????飬????????ζ????м?顣?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
//Example 1
#define BLOCKSIZE (8)
void main(void)
int i = 0;
int limit = 33;  /* could be anything */
int blocklimit;
/* The limit may not be divisible by BLOCKSIZE??
* go as near as we can first?? then tidy up.
blocklimit = (limit / BLOCKSIZE) * BLOCKSIZE;
/* unroll the loop in blocks of 8 */
while( i < blocklimit )
printf("process(%d) "?? i);
printf("process(%d) "?? i+1);
printf("process(%d) "?? i+2);
printf("process(%d) "?? i+3);
printf("process(%d) "?? i+4);
printf("process(%d) "?? i+5);
printf("process(%d) "?? i+6);
printf("process(%d) "?? i+7);
/* update the counter */
i += 8;
* There may be some left to do.
* This could be done as a simple for() loop??
* but a switch is faster (and more interesting)
if( i < limit )
/* Jump into the case at the place that will allow
* us to finish off the appropriate number of items.
switch( limit - i )
case 7 : printf("process(%d) "?? i); i++;
case 6 : printf("process(%d) "?? i); i++;
case 5 : printf("process(%d) "?? i); i++;
case 4 : printf("process(%d) "?? i); i++;
case 3 : printf("process(%d) "?? i); i++;
case 2 : printf("process(%d) "?? i); i++;
case 1 : printf("process(%d) "?? i);
????//Example - 1
????int countbit1(uint n)
????int bits = 0;
????while (n != 0)
????if (n & 1) bits++;
????n >>= 1;
????return bits;
????//Example - 2
????int countbit2(uint n)
????int bits = 0;
????while (n != 0)
????if (n & 1) bits++;
????if (n & 2) bits++;
????if (n & 4) bits++;
????if (n & 8) bits++;
????n >>= 4;
????return bits;
????found = FALSE;
????if( list[i] == -99 )
????found = TRUE;
????if( found ) printf("Yes?? there is a -99. Hooray! ");
????found = FALSE;
????if( list[i] == -99 )
????found = TRUE;
????if( found ) printf("Yes?? there is a -99. Hooray! ");
?????????????????????????????????С??????к?????й???????????????С????????????????????????????????????????Щ???????????????????char??shorts??ints??floats???????????????С????????С?????????2?????doubles??long longs???????????????????4???????????????????洢?????????????ú??????????????????????????洢???????????
????int f1(int a?? int b?? int c?? int d) {
????return a + b + c + d;
????int g1(void) {
????return f1(1?? 2?? 3?? 4);
????int f2(int a?? int b?? int c?? int d?? int e?? int f) {
????return a + b + c + d + e + f;
????ing g2(void) {
????return f2(1?? 2?? 3?? 4?? 5?? 6);
????· ??????????????????????????????????????????洢???????
????· ?????????????????????????????????ú??????????????????洢???????????????
????· ???????????????????????????????屾???
????· ????????????????岢??????????????????????????????????????????
????· ??????????????????С??long????????????????????????????double??????????????С??????????á?
????· ??????????????????????????????У????????????????????????????????????????????Ч?????е?????????????????С?
????· ?????Ρ???κ???????????????????
????· ???????????????????????Щ???????C????????????????????????????????????
????· ?????????????__inline???Σ?????
????__inline int square(int x) {
????return x * x;
????#include <MATH.H>
????double length(int x?? int y){
????return sqrt(square(x) + square(y));
????· ??к?????????????????????????滻??????壬????????????????????????????????
????· ??С??????????????????????????????????????????????С??????????????????????????????????????
????· ???????????????????????????????????????????ó?????????????????????磬x=x/3.0?????滻?x=x*(1.0/3.0)????????????????????????
????· ???float????double??Float??????????????????????????????????????????Ч??????????????????????float??
????· ??????????麯???????麯????????sin??exp??log????????е?????????????????????????????Щ????????????????????????
????· ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????磬3*(x/3)????????x??????????????????????????????????????????б???????????????б?????
????· ????????????????++??–?????磺while(n–){}????????????????
????· ??????????????á???????????????á?
????· ??????????????????????static???α?????????????
????· ???????????????С???????int??long???????????????????char??short??double??λ???????????????е????
????· ??????顣??????????????????????????????á?
????· ????????????sqrt????????????????????????????????
????· ????????????????
????· ???????????????????н??????-????????????????????????У????????????????????????????????????????????????inline????
????· ???????????????????
????· ????????????????????????-???val*0.5??????val/2.0??
????· ?????????????-???val+val+val??????val*3??
????· put()??????printf()????????
????· ???#define??????????С??????
????· ??????/δ???????????????????????????????????????????????????ASCII????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
????· ??????????mallopt()?????????????malloc???????????????MAXFAST?????????????ú???malloc????????????????????????????????????????????δ??????????????????mallopt??