????????toy code??????????????????o?????????
????long long????

????C++11????????????long long??????????????С??long???????????????£?
????long large = LONG_MAX;
????long long long_large = LLONG_MAX;
????long long long_long_large = 1LL << 63;
????cout<<"test long long??"<<large<<' '<<long_large<<' '<<long_long_large<<endl;
?????????????????long long?????long??????????64bit???
????int *p1 = nullptr;
????int *p2 = 0;
????int *p3 = NULL;
????cout<<"test nullptr: "<<(p1 == p2)<<' '<<(p1 == p3)<<endl;
????int out_i = 0; // out_i????????????
????constexpr int mf = 20;
????constexpr int limit = mf + 1;
????constexpr int *p4 = &out_i;
????// the following would cause a make error
????// since large is not a constexpr
????//constexpr int wrong = large + 1;
????// since &in_j is not a constexpr;
????//int in_j = 0;
????//constexpr int *p5 = &in_j;
????constexpr int *p6 = nullptr; // a const pointer point to an int
????// p6 = &out_i; // error: p6 is a constexpr
????const int *p7 = nullptr; // a pointer point to a const int
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????const int??????????????????????
????constexpr int sz() { return 42; }
????constexpr int new_sz(int cnt) { return sz() * cnt; }
????constexpr int size = sz();
????constexpr int nsize = new_sz(mf);
????//constexpr int wrong_size = new_sz(out_i); // error: out_i is not a constexpr
????cout<<"test constexpr: "<<mf<<' '<<limit<<' '<<p4<<' '<<size<<' '<<nsize<<' '<<p6<<' '<<p7<<endl;
????void no_except() noexcept
????throw 1;
????// the following call will cause terminate
????void no_except2() noexcept(noexcept(no_except())){}
????cout<<"test noexcept: "<<noexcept(no_except())<<' '<<noexcept(no_except2())<<endl;
????int single_int1 = 0;
????int single_int2 = {0};
????cout<<"test list initialization: "<<single_int1<<' '<<single_int2<<endl;
// vector/list list initialization
vector<string> v1 = {"ab"?? "cd"?? "ef"};
list<string> l2{"gh"?? "ij"?? "kl"};
//vector<string> v3("mn"?? "op"?? "qr"); // wrong initialization format
cout<<"test vector/list list initialization: "<<v1[1]<<' '<<l2.front()<<endl;
// map/set list initialization
map<string?? string> m1 =
{"a"?? "A"}??
{"b"?? "B"}??
{"c"?? "C"}
m1.insert({"d"?? "D"});
set<string> s1 = {"a"?? "b"?? "c"};
cout<<"test map/set list initialization: "<<m1["d"]<<' '<<*s1.find("b")<<endl;