??????1??dynamic_cast vs static_cast
????class B
????class D : public B
????void f(B* pb)
????D* pd1 = dynamic_cast<D*>(pb);
????D* pd2 = static_cast<D*>(pb);
????If pb really points to an object of type D?? then pd1 and pd2 will get the same value. They will also get the same value if pb == 0.
????If pb points to an object of type B and not to the complete D class?? then dynamic_cast will know enough to return zero. However?? static_cast relies on the programmer’s assertion that pb points to an object of type D and simply returns a pointer to that supposed D object.
??????2??static_cast vs reinterpret_cast
????static_cast ?? reinterpret_cast ????????????????????????????????? static_cast ???????????????????????????????б??????(????????????? ??????). ???????????????????????棻reinterpret_cast ?????????????????????????????????н??ж?????????? ???????£?
????int n=9; double d=static_cast < double > (n);
??????????????У? ?????????????? int ????? double?? ??Щ???????????????????? ??????? 9 ????? ????????? 9??static_cast ?????????????????? d ???????λ??????? 9.0??
??????reinterpret_cast ?????????:
????int n=9;
????double d=reinterpret_cast<double & > (n);
??????Σ? ??????????. ????м?????? d ?????????. ??????? reinterpret_cast ????????? n ?????λ?? d?? ??н??б???????.
???????? ???????????? reinterpret_cast.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class A
virtual void foo()
class B
virtual void foo()
class C : public A ?? public B
virtual void foo() { }
void bar1(A *pa)
B *pc = dynamic_cast<B*>(pa);
void bar2(A *pa)
B *pc = static_cast<B*>(pa); //error
void bar3()
C c;
A *pa = &c;
B *pb = static_cast<B*>(static_cast<C*>(pa));
int main()
return 0;