????9.1 seek??tell????
????9.2 ?????????
????9.3 ???iostream??????????????????? 9.4 ?????λ???
????seekp (new_position);
????seekg( offset?? dir);
????seekp( offset?? dir);
????9.5 ??????
????5 9 12 14
????#include <iostream>
????#include <fstream>
????#include <string>
????using std::fstream;
????using std::cerr;
????using std::endl;
????using std::ifstream;
????using std::ofstream;
????using std::string;
????using std::getline;
????using std::cout;
????//using namespace std;
????int main()
????fstream inOut("copyOut.txt"??
????fstream::ate | fstream::in | fstream::out);            //??ate??????????????λ???λ??????β??
????if( !inOut )        {
????cerr << "unable to open file" <<endl;
????return EXIT_FAILURE;
????inOut.seekg(-1??fstream::end);            //go to the last char
????if( inOut.peek() != 10)                    //if the last char of the file is not a newline??add it.
????inOut.put(' ');
????ifstream::pos_type endMark = inOut.tellg();        //record the last position .
????int cnt = 0;                        //accumulator for byte count
????string line;                        //hold each line of input
????while( inOut && inOut.tellg() != endMark
????&& getline(inOut ?? line)
????cnt += line.size() + 1;            // add 1 to acount for the newline
????ifstream::pos_type mark = inOut.tellg();
????inOut.seekp( 0?? fstream::end);    //set write marker to end
????inOut << cnt;
????if( mark != endMark) inOut << " ";
????inOut.seekg(mark);                //restore read position
????inOut.clear();                        //clear flags in case we hit an error
????inOut.seekp(0 ?? fstream::end);        //seek to end
????inOut << endl;                        //write a newline at end of file
????return 0;