????DDL(Data Definition Language)????????????
????DML(Data Manipulation Language)????????????????????????
????DCL(Data Control Language)?????????????/????????????????????
????TCL(Transaction Control Language)??????????????й???
????win+R????cmd?????? ???????????????"mysql -uroot -proot"?????root????????????
????create database mydb1;
????show databases;
????create database mydb2 CHARACTER SET=utf8;
????show create database mydb2;
????5.????????????mydb2???????mydb2???????????if exits?ж??????????????????????????:
????drop database if exits mydb2;
????alter database mydb2 character set gb2312;
????mysqldump -u root -p mydb2>c://test.sql;
????(1)???????win????:mysql -u root -p mydb2<c://test.sql
????(2)source c://test.sql;
????create table student(
????/* ?????????????????????*/
????sno varchar(4) primary key??
????sname varchar(10) not null??
????sage int??
????ssex char(2)??
????email varchar(20) unique??
????constraint ck_student_ssex_sage check(ssex in('??'??'?')and sage between 10 and 50)
????alter table tableName add columnName varchar(30);
????alter table tableName modify cloumnName varchar(60);
????alter table tableName drop column cloumnName;
????rename table tableName_old to tableName_new;
????alter table user character set gbk;
????alter table tableName change column cloumnName columnName_new varchar(60);
????drop table tableName;
????create table employee
????id int??
????name varchar(40)??
????sex varchar(4)??
????birthday date??
????entry_date date??
????salary decimal(8??2)??
????resume text
????insert into employee(id??name??sex??birthday??entry_date??salary??resume) values(1??'zhangsan'??'male'??'1993-03-04'??'2016-11-10'??'1000'??'i am a developer');
????insert into employee values(1??'zhangsan'??'male'??'1993-03-04'??'2016-11-10'??'1000'??'i am a developer');
????insert into employee(id) values(6);
????insert into employee(id??name) values(6??'????');
????show variables like 'chara%';
????set character_set_client=gb2312;
????insert into employee(id??username) values('3'??'????');
????show variables like 'chara%';
????set character_set_results=gb2312;
????select * from employee;
????delete from employee where name='zs';
????delete from employee;
????truncate table employee;
????update employee set salary=5000;
????update employee set salary = 3000 where name='zs';
????update employee set salary = 4000??job='ccc' where name='aaa';
????update employee set salary = salary+1000 where name='lisi';
????select id??name??chinese??english??math from student;
????select name??english from student;
????select distinct english from student;
????select name??(chinese+english+math)+10 from student;
????select name??(chinese+english+math) from student;
????select name??(chinese+english+math) as ??? from student;
????select name??(chinese+english+math) ??? from  student;
????select * from student where name='????';
????select * from student where english>'90';
????select name??(chinese+english+math) ??? from student where chinese+english+math>200;
????/*??????????? 80??90??????*/
????select * from student where english>=80 and english=<90;
????select * from student where english between 80 and 90;
????select * from student where math=89 or math=90 or math=91;
????select * from student where math in(89??90??91);
????select * from student where name like '??%';
????select * from student where name like '??_';
????select * from student where math>80 and chinese>80;
????select * from student where chinese is null;
????select name??math from student order by math desc;
????select name??math from student order by math asc;
????select name??math+english+chinese from student order  by math+english+chinese desc;
????select name??math+english+chinese from student where name like '??%' order by math+english+chinese desc;
????select count(*) from student;
????select count(id) from student;
????select count(*) from student where math>80;
????select count(*) from student where math+english+chinese>250;
????/*??? null?????count*/
????select count(chinese) from student;
????select sum(math) from student;
????elect sum(math)??sum(english)??sum(chinese) from student;
????select sum(math+english+chinese) from student;
????select sum(chinese)/count(*) from student;
????select avg(math) from student;
????select avg(math+english+chinese) from student;
????select max(math+english+chinese) from student;
????select min(math+english+chinese) from student;
????select product??sum(price) from orders group by product;
????select product??sum(price) from orders group by product having sum(price)>100;