??????????????У???????????????????? Unit Testing????????????饗???????С??λ????????????????????????????????????С????????????????????У??????????????????????????????????????????С?????????????????????????????????????????????е??????
????TDD??????????Test-Driven Development??????????????????????????????????????

????BDD??????????Behavior-Driven Development?????????????????
????????BDD??TDD????????????????£? The Difference Between TDD and BDD
???????JavaScript???????????ò??????????????TJ Holowaychukд??Mocha???
npm install -g mocha
$ npm install -g mocha
$ mkdir test
$ $EDITOR test/test.js
var assert = require("assert");
describe('Array'?? function() {
describe('#indexOf()'?? function() {
it('should return -1 when the value is not present'?? function() {
assert.equal(-1?? [1??2??3].indexOf(5));
assert.equal(-1?? [1??2??3].indexOf(0));
$  mocha
? 1 test complete (1ms)
????should ????????????????????????????“????”??????BDD?????????????????????????????????????Object??prototype???????????????????????????
????var request = require('supertest')
?????? express = require('express');
????var app = express();
????app.get('/user'?? function(req?? res){
????res.send(200?? { name: 'tobi' });
????.expect('Content-Type'?? /json/)
????.expect('Content-Length'?? '20')
????.end(function(err?? res){
????if (err) throw err;
?????????? controllers                    // ?????
????|   ?????? site.js                    // ?????????
????|   ?????? topic.js                   // ???????
?????????? models                         // ???????
????|   ?????? index.js                   // ???????
????|   ?????? topic.js                   // ???????
????|   ?????? user.js                    // ??????
?????????? proxy                          // ????????
????|   ?????? topic.js                   // ???????????
????|   ?????? user.js                    // ??????????
?????????? tests                          // ???????
????|   ?????? support/support.js         // ???????
????|   ?????? user.test.js               // ????????????
????|   ?????? topic.test.js              // ??????????
?????????? app.js                         // ????????
?????????? consig.js                      // ??????????
?????????? package.json                   // ?????
?????????? router.js                      // ·??????
????1. ???????????
????describe('User'?? function() {
????describe('#save()'?? function() {
????it('should save without error'?? function(done) {
????var user = new User('Luna');