
????In thinking about this?? I realized that there are different ways that a programmer can be good. So I present to you The Four Kinds of Good Programmers. And in celebration of Whyday?? I include quirky Why-styled illustrations* for your viewing pleasure!


????The Philosopher


????The philosopher loves to write well-defined?? well-structured?? beautiful code. That the program will be implemented is assumed; the elegance?? robustness?? and flexibility of the solution is where the philosopher’s energy goes. The philosopher cannot go an entire week without mentioning “best practices”.




????The philosopher is ultimately driven by a need for safety and security which is expressed through tight control. A well-ordered?? predictable system that always follows clear principles is the philosopher’s beautiful vision of heaven. Chaos is anathema. Beauty is found in order.




????can build code that you can bet your life on


????can create an environment where the codebase stays in pristine shape?? regardless of the skills of other team members


????if they build it?? it will scale


????The Dark Side


????is always right


????gets into petty arguments about 80-column line limits


????cares more about test coverage than customers’ problems


????is never finished


????Pull Their Chain