??????????????У?  g() ??????????f() ??????
????g()????????????"g() is done!" ?? ???????f() ????????????.  ????g() ????f()?? ???????????к???????!
?????????? ???g() ?? f() ????????????????? ????????????????е????????(?????)?????.
???????????????? ???????????????д???????????У? ??????δ???????? ????????????????????????.
??????. 1???????java??????????.
package Thread_kng;
class M_thrd_1 extends Thread{  //extends
public M_thrd_1(String name){
public void run(){ //overwrite the method run() of superclass
while (true){
System.out.printf("Thread " + this.getName()+ " is runing! ");
//System.out.printf("f() is done! ");  //compilation fail
public class M_thread_expl{
public static void g(){
M_thrd_1 s = new M_thrd_1("T1");
s.start(); //start()method is extended from superclass?? it will call the method run()
M_thrd_1 s2 = new M_thrd_1("T2");
System.out.printf("g() is done! ");
?????????????У? ?? M_thrd_1??????????Thread.  ????д??run????.
?????????????????M_thrd_1?????s?? s1 ?????.
????start()?????????Thread?? ???????1?????? ??????run()????.
??????g()???汾??????????????"THread Main is running"

???????? ?????? ????????T1??T2 ??Main ??????????????.
?????????? ?????????3?????.
?????????main????????????M_thrd_1????? ??????start()???????????????????.
?????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????Main!
??????. Java ???????????????????.
????java????????????? ????????. ??????????java????????Thread.
????6.1 ???1. ????Thread????????
????6.1.1 ??????: ???1???? ????????Thread.  ????????д????д???run() ??????.
class M_thrd_1 extends Thread{  //extends
public M_thrd_1(String name){
public void run(){ //overwrite the method run() of superclass
while (true){
System.out.printf("Thread " + this.getName()+ " is runing! ");
//System.out.printf("f() is done! ");  //compilation fail
????????????? ???????????е???????д????run() ????.
????6.1.2 ??????: ???1???????????? ????start()????
????M_thrd_1 s = new M_thrd();
????s. start();
????????start() ????M_thrd_1 ????????Thread??.
???????????JDK API ??start() ?????????:
????void  start()
??????????????У?Java ?????????????? run ??????
????????????? ??????start() ?????? ?????и????? ???????????????????????.
?????????????????????? ?????run()????????.
?????????????????????????????д??run()????ok??. ?????дstart()????.
??????? ?????????s.run()?? ???????????????run???????? ????п???????????. ???????.
????6.2 ???2. ????1???? ???Runnable ???
????6.2.1 ??????: ???1???? ?????Runnable. ????????д????д???run() ??????.
class M_thrd_2 implements Runnable{  //extends
public int id = 0;
public void run(){ //overwrite the method run() of superclass
while (true){
System.out.printf("%s: Thread " + this.id+ " is runing! "?? Thread.currentThread().getName());
//System.out.printf("f() is done! ");  //compilation fail
????????????? M_thrd_2 ???????Runnable
????????д????Runnable ???????run();
???????.  currentThread() ????Thread?????????????? ??????????????????????.