# Generic makefile - Makefile
# for compiling and linking C++ projects on Linux
# Author: George Foot  Modified:Jackie Lee
### Customising
# Adjust the following if necessary; EXECUTABLE is the target
# executable's filename?? and LIBS is a list of libraries to link in
# (e.g. alleg?? stdcx?? iostr?? etc). You can override these on make's
# command line of course?? if you prefer to do it that way.
EXECUTABLE := main    # ??????????
LIBDIR:=              # ???????
LIBS :=               # ??????????
INCLUDES:=.           # ??????
SRCDIR:=              # ??????????????????????????
# # Now alter any implicit rules' variables if you like?? e.g.:
CFLAGS := -g -Wall -O3
CPPFLAGS += $(addprefix -I??$(INCLUDES))
# # The next bit checks to see whether rm is in your djgpp bin
# # directory; if not it uses del instead?? but this can cause (harmless)
# # `File not found' error messages. If you are not using DOS at all??
# # set the variable to something which will unquestioningly remove
# # files.
RM-F := rm -f
# # You shouldn't need to change anything below this point.
SRCS := $(wildcard *.cpp) $(wildcard $(addsuffix /*.cpp?? $(SRCDIR)))
OBJS := $(patsubst %.cpp??%.o??$(SRCS))
DEPS := $(patsubst %.o??%.d??$(OBJS))
MISSING_DEPS := $(filter-out $(wildcard $(DEPS))??$(DEPS))
MISSING_DEPS_SOURCES := $(wildcard $(patsubst %.d??%.cpp??$(MISSING_DEPS)))
.PHONY : all deps objs clean veryclean rebuild info
deps : $(DEPS)
objs : $(OBJS)
clean :
@$(RM-F) *.o
@$(RM-F) *.d
veryclean: clean
rebuild: veryclean all
ifneq ($(MISSING_DEPS)??)
@$(RM-F) $(patsubst %.d??%.o??$@)
-include $(DEPS)
$(CC) -o $(EXECUTABLE) $(OBJS) $(addprefix -L??$(LIBDIR)) $(addprefix -l??$(LIBS))
@echo $(SRCS)
@echo $(OBJS)
@echo $(DEPS)
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