




?????????ab [options] [http://]hostname[:port]/path


????-n requests Number of requests to perform


????-c concurrency Number of multiple requests to make


????-t timelimit Seconds to max. wait for responses

????//?????????е????????????????????-n 50000??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

????-p postfile File containing data to POST

????//?????????POST????????????????????“p1=1&p2=2”.??÷????? -p 111.txt ?? ?????-T??

????-T content-type Content-type header for POSTing

????//POST??????????Content-type???????? -T “application/x-www-form-urlencoded” ?? ?????-p??

????-v verbosity How much troubleshooting info to print

????//?????????????????? – 4????????????????? 3????????????????????(404?? 200??)?? 2??????????????????????????? -V ????汾????????

????-w Print out results in HTML tables


????-i Use HEAD instead of GET

????// ???HEAD??????????GET??

????-x attributes String to insert as table attributes

????-y attributes String to insert as tr attributes

????-z attributes String to insert as td or th attributes

????-C attribute Add cookie?? eg. -C “c1=1234??c2=2??c3=3″ (repeatable)

????//-C cookie-name=value ???????????Cookie:?С? ??????????name=value????????????????????????????????