??? ???????(???硢????????????)
??55?? "TCP/IP???"( TCP/IP Illustracted)
??56?? "Unix??????"(UNIX Network Programming)
??57?? "UNIX??????????"(Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment)
??58?? "UNIX ???????"(The Art of Unix Programming)
??59?? "????????? —— ???????????е????????"

????????????(??) ????
??1?? "?????"( ?????????????????????????????????????) (Seeing the Forest for the Trees: A Manager's Guide to Applying Systems Thinking)
??2?? "????????????"(Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis)
??3?? "???????????????8??"(Computer Science : An Overview (8th Edition))
??4?? "????????????"(Foundations of Computer Science: From Data Manipulation to Theory of Computation)
??5?? "????????"(CODE)
??6?? "?????????????????????(????.??2??)"(Concrete Mathematics A Foundation for Computer Science(Second Edition))
??7?? "????????????? C++????(??2??)(???????)"(Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis in C++(2nd ed.))
??8?? "????????????? —— Java????????"(Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java)
??9?? "???????????????C++????"(Data Structures?? Algorithms and Applications in C++)
??10?? "?????????????(C++??)?????" (Practice Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis (C++ Edition) (2nd Edition))
??11?? "????? C++????????"(Data Structures C++)
??12?? "?????????"(A Friendly Introduction to Graph Theory )
??13?? "??????????(??????)"(Operating System Concepts??Sixth Edition)
??14?? "????????????????(?????)????2?(?°?)"(OPERATING SYSTEMS??Design and Implementation(Second edition))
??15?? "???????????????"(Distributed Systems:Principles and Paradigms )
??16?? "4.4 BSD??????????????(?????)"(The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operation System)
??17?? "??????UNIX????????"(Lion' Commentary on UNIX 6th Edition With Source Code)
??18?? "Linux???????????"(Linux Kernel Development)
??19?? "???????????"(Compiler Construction: Principles and Practice)
??20?? "?????????????(?????)"(Data and Computer Communications?? Seventh Edition)
??21?? "???????????"(Database System Concepts?? Fourth Edition)
??22?? "????????????????????(??3??)" (Database Management Systems(Third Edition))
??23?? "??????????????????(????2??)" (Database-Principles?? Programming?? and Performance Second Edition )
??24?? "??????"(The Deadline:a novel about project management)
??25?? "???????(?????)" (Death March?? Second Edition )
??26?? "??????????? — ?????Э???????????"(Managing Technical People:Innovation??Teamwork??and the Software Process)
??27?? "???????????"(Introduction to the Personal Software Process)
??28?? "С?????????????"(Introduction to the Team Software Process )
??29?? "???????淶"(A Discipline for Software Engineering)
??30?? "???????????——??Ч??????????????"(Rapid Development)
??31?? "??????????????? —— ???????????????"
??32?? "??????????-???SCRUM????(????)"(Agile Software Development with Scrum)
??33?? "???????????????仯(????)"(Extreme Programming Explained??Embrace Change)
??34?? "??????????????——???濪??????"(Lean Software Development??An Agile Toolkit )
??35?? "??????????(?????)"(Agile Software Development )
??36?? "????????????????????????"(A Practical Guide to Feature-Driven Development )
??37?? "???????????????????????Ч???"(Agile Modeling:Effective Practices for eXtreme Programming and the Unified Process )
??38?? "??????????"(Agile Project Management: Creating Innovative Products)
??39?? "????????????—?????????????Э????" (Adaptive Software Development:a collaborative approach to managing complex systems)
??40?? "Rational???????????????"(The Rational Unified Process Made Easy: A Practitioner's Guide to the RUP )
??41?? "CMMI????--?????????????????"(CMMI Distilled: A Practical Introduction to Integrated Process Improvement )
??42?? "CMMI——?????????????????(????)"(CMMI : Guidelines for Process Integration and Product Improvement )
??43?? "????????????"(Domain-Driven Design:Tacking Complexity in the heart of software)
??44?? "??????????????"(Creating a Software Engineering Culture)
??45?? "??????"(More Process Patterns : Delivering Large-Scale Systems Using Object Technology)
??46?? "???????"(Software Craftsmanship)
??47?? "???????"(Software Requirements)
??48?? "?????????????????"(Managing Software Requirements:A Unified Approach)
??49?? "??????ü??????????????????п??????" (Software Reuse Techniques Adding Reuse to the Systems Development Process )
??50?? "???????????????????? "(Software Reuse Architecture??Process and Organization for Business Success )
??51?? "????????????????????" (Analysis Patterns ??Reusable Object Models )
??52?? "Design by Contract????????"( Design by Contract by Example )
??53?? "UML ??????"(The Unified Modeling Language User Guide )
??54?? "UML?ο????"(The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual)
??55?? "???????????(??5??)"(Systems Analysis and Design?? Fifth Edition)
??56?? "??????????(??2??)" (Software Architecture in Practice??Second Edition)
??57?? "?????ü????"(Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture )
??58?? "??????????????"(The Art of Software Architecture:Design Methods and Techniques)
??59?? "????????"(Documenting Software Architectures:Views and Beyond)
??60?? "OO???????????"(Surviving Object-Oriented Projects)
??61?? "OOD????" (Object-Oriented Design Heuristics)
??62?? "????????Java??Eiffel??C++"(Objects Unencapsulated: Java?? Eiffel and C++)
??63?? "?????????????????"(The Science and Art of Software Development)
??64?? "??????????"(The Practice of Programming)