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?????? ?? PT ?????о??????????????????????????????????????????????????ü??????????????

?????? ?? PT ????????? J2EE ?? Web ??????????????????????????????

?????? ?? PT ?????????????Ч???? WEBLOGIC ??÷??????????????

?????? ?? PT ?????????????Ч???? Oracle ???????????????????

?????? ?? PT ????????????????? PageFaults/s ????????????????????????

?????? ?? PT ?????????????????????????ж?????????????

?????? ?? PT ??????????????????????e????????????

?????? ?? PT ?????? Rational ???????????? MI LoadRunner ???????

?????? ?? PT ?????????????????????????д?????????????????????

?????? ?? TP ???????????????????ò??????????????????????????????????


?????? ?? English ???????????????

????An important special case of overlooking bugs is checking that the product does what it??s supposed to do?? but not that it doesn??t do what it isn??t supposed to do. As an example?? suppose you have a program that updates a health care service??s database of family records. A test adds a second child to Dawn Marick??s record. Almost all testers would check that?? after the update?? Dawn now has two children. Some testers - those who are clever?? experienced?? or subject matter experts - would check that Dawn Marick??s spouse?? Brian Marick?? also now has two children. Relatively few testers would check that no one else in the database has had a child added. They would miss a bug where the programmer over-generalized and assumed that all "family information" updates should be applied both to a patient and to all members of her family?? giving Paul Marick (aged 2) a child.

????Ideally?? every test should check that all data that should be modified has been modified and that all other data has been unchanged. With forethought?? that can be built into automated tests. Complete checking may be impractical for manual tests?? but occasional quick scans for data that might be corrupted can be valuable.

?????? ?? English ???????????????????д?????????

?????????????????????????????? klsoft ????????????????????? bug ????? Mkbox ??????????????λ??????? save ?????????β?????????????????????????????κ??????????????С???λ????????λ?????????????????????????? Win2000 professional ??????????????????????????????????????????????о????????????????????????д??????? email ??????????? Simen ???????????????????????????????????????? Simen ???????????????????????????????????????????