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?????????????ж?????????????λ?ù????????????????????????????????磬??(x?? y)?????? (x1?? y1) (x2?? y2) ??λ?ù???????????????????????(x – x1?? y – y1) ?? (x2 – x1?? y2 – y1)????????????????????????? (x – x1) * (y2 – y1) – (y – y1) * (x2 – x1)?? ????????0????????????????????????0???????????????????С??0????????????????????????????????ж??????????ε???????????????????£?
* Test polygon contains point?? true inside or false outside
* one vertex contains pair of x?? y
static bool TestPolygonPoint(Array(float)* vertexArr?? float x?? float y)
int    preIndex   = vertexArr->length - 2;
bool   inside     = false;
float* vertexData = AArray_GetData(vertexArr?? float);
for (int i = 0; i < vertexArr->length; i += 2)
float vertexY = vertexData[i + 1];
float preY    = vertexData[preIndex + 1];
if ((vertexY < y && preY >= y) || (preY < y && vertexY >= y))
float vertexX = vertexData[i];
// cross product between vector (x - vertexX?? y - vertexY) and (preX - vertexX?? preY - vertexY)
// result is (x - vertexX) * (preY - vertexY) - (y - vertexY) * (preX - vertexX)
// if result zero means point (x?? y) on vector (preX - vertexX?? preY - vertexY)
// if result positive means point on left  vector
// if result negative means point on right vector
if (vertexX + (y - vertexY) / (preY - vertexY) * (vertexData[preIndex] - vertexX) <= x)
inside = !inside;
preIndex = i;
return inside;
* Test polygonA each vertex in polygonB?? true inside or false outside
* not test through and cross each others
static bool TestPolygonPolygon(Array(float)* polygonA?? Array(float)* polygonB)
bool inside = false;
for (int i = 0; i < polygonA->length; i += 2)
float x        = AArray_Get(polygonA?? i??     float);
float y        = AArray_Get(polygonA?? i + 1?? float);
int   preIndex = polygonB->length - 2;
// test polygonB contains vertex
for (int j = 0; j < polygonB->length; j += 2)
float vertexY = AArray_Get(polygonB?? j        + 1?? float);
float preY    = AArray_Get(polygonB?? preIndex + 1?? float);
if ((vertexY < y && preY >= y) || (preY < y && vertexY >= y))
float vertexX = AArray_Get(polygonB?? j?? float);
// cross product between vector (x - vertexX?? y - vertexY) and (preX - vertexX?? preY - vertexY)
// result is (x - vertexX) * (preY - vertexY) - (y - vertexY) * (preX - vertexX)
// if result zero means point (x?? y) on vector (preX - vertexX?? preY - vertexY)
// if result positive means point on left  vector
// if result negative means point on right vector
if (vertexX + (y - vertexY) / (preY - vertexY) * (AArray_Get(polygonB?? preIndex?? float) - vertexX) <= x)
inside = !inside;
preIndex = j;
if (inside)
return true;
return inside;
* Test polygonA each vertex in polygonB?? true inside or false outside
* Can test through and cross each others
static bool TestPolygonPolygonFull(Array(float)* polygonA?? Array(float)* polygonB)
int leftCount  = 0;
int rightCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < polygonA->length; i += 2)
float x        = AArray_Get(polygonA?? i??     float);
float y        = AArray_Get(polygonA?? i + 1?? float);
int   preIndex = polygonB->length - 2;
// test polygonB contains vertex
for (int j = 0; j < polygonB->length; j += 2)
float vertexY = AArray_Get(polygonB?? j        + 1?? float);
float preY    = AArray_Get(polygonB?? preIndex + 1?? float);
if ((vertexY < y && preY >= y) || (preY < y && vertexY >= y))
float vertexX = AArray_Get(polygonB?? j?? float);
// cross product between vector (x - vertexX?? y - vertexY) and (preX - vertexX?? preY - vertexY)
// result is (x - vertexX) * (preY - vertexY) - (y - vertexY) * (preX - vertexX)
// if result zero means point (x?? y) on vector (preX - vertexX?? preY - vertexY)
// if result positive means point on left  vector
// if result negative means point on right vector
if (vertexX + (y - vertexY) / (preY - vertexY) * (AArray_Get(polygonB?? preIndex?? float) - vertexX) <= x)
preIndex = j;
if (leftCount % 2 != 0)
return true;
return leftCount != 0 && leftCount == rightCount;
* Test one lineA intersect lineB
static bool TestLineLine(Array(float)* lineA?? Array(float)* lineB)
int   flag[2]  = {0?? 0};
float vertexX1 = AArray_Get(lineB?? 0?? float);
float vertexX2 = AArray_Get(lineB?? 2?? float);
float vertexY1 = AArray_Get(lineB?? 1?? float);
float vertexY2 = AArray_Get(lineB?? 3?? float);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i += 2)
float x = AArray_Get(lineA?? i??     float);
float y = AArray_Get(lineA?? i + 1?? float);
if ((vertexY1 < y && vertexY2 >= y) || (vertexY2 < y && vertexY1 >= y))
// cross product between vector (x - vertexX1?? y - vertexY1) and (vertexX2 - vertexX1?? vertexY2 - vertexY1)
// result is (x - vertexX1) * (vertexY2 - vertexY1) - (y - vertexY1) * (vertexX2 - vertexX1)
if (vertexX1 + (y - vertexY1) / (vertexY2 - vertexY1) * (vertexX2 - vertexX1) <= x)
flag[i >> 1] = 1;
flag[i >> 1] = 2;
// test lineA two points both sides of lineB
if (flag[0] + flag[1] == 3)
return true;
flag[0]  = 0;
flag[1]  = 0;
vertexX1 = AArray_Get(lineA?? 0?? float);
vertexX2 = AArray_Get(lineA?? 2?? float);
vertexY1 = AArray_Get(lineA?? 1?? float);
vertexY2 = AArray_Get(lineA?? 3?? float);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i += 2)
float x = AArray_Get(lineB?? i??     float);
float y = AArray_Get(lineB?? i + 1?? float);
if ((vertexY1 < y && vertexY2 >= y) || (vertexY2 < y && vertexY1 >= y))
// cross product between vector (x - vertexX1?? y - vertexY1) and (vertexX2 - vertexX1?? vertexY2 - vertexY1)
// result is (x - vertexX1) * (vertexY2 - vertexY1) - (y - vertexY1) * (vertexX2 - vertexX1)
if (vertexX1 + (y - vertexY1) / (vertexY2 - vertexY1) * (vertexX2 - vertexX1) <= x)
flag[i >> 1] = 1;
flag[i >> 1] = 2;
// test lineB two points both sides of lineA
return flag[0] + flag[1] == 3;