????using System;
????namespace WebApplication1
????public partial class DownloadFile:System.Web.UI.Page
????protected void Page_Load(object sender??EventArgs e)
????System.IO.Stream iStream=null;
????//Buffer to read 10K bytes in chunk:
????byte[]buffer=new Byte[10000];
????//Length of the file:
????int length;
????//Total bytes to read.
????long dataToRead;
????//Identify the file to download including its path.
????string filepath=Server.MapPath("/")+"./Files/TextFile1.txt";
????//Identify the file name.
????string filename=System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filepath);
????//Open the file.
????iStream=new System.IO.FileStream(filepath??System.IO.FileMode.Open??
????//Total bytes to read.
????Response.ContentType="text/plain";//Set the file type
????//Read the bytes.
????//Verify that the client is connected.
????//Read the data in buffer.
????//Write the data to the current output stream.
????//Flush the data to the HTML output.
????buffer=new Byte[10000];
????//Prevent infinite loop if user disconnects
????catch(Exception ex)
????//Trap the error??if any.
????//Close the file.