??????????????????????? ??????????????????????? ???????????е???????????????? ??????μ??:
????What is the point?
????Necessary evil
????Ad hoc
????Why so much time?
????Too slow
????Too many excuses
????Testing should find everything
????Quality gatekeeper
????Find bugs too late
????Testing less value than other disciplines
???????????????Щ???? ??????????????????????????????????????.
??????????????????????????????? ?趨???????. ??????????????? ??????????????????????е?bugs. ??????????????? ?????????.
?????????????bugs???????????У? ???????????????? ?????????????????bugs?? ?????????. ????? ???????????? ???????????????? ????????requirement?? ?????????????????????????????.
?????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????
?????????????????????仰?? ?????????????:
????1. The purpose of testing is not to ensure the quality of the software?? but rather to measure its quality
????2. Testing is just one facet of the quality solution.  Responsibility for the quality of the product must reside in the entire team